
Australian Bush Fire Victim Fundraiser and Tournament – Jan. 26, 2020

Australian Bush Fire Victim Fundraiser and Tournament, Jan. 26, 2020.  To donate: Please enter your amount and process at the following link; please add a note if for tournament or donation. The tournament and donation link: https://aussienicksquash.com/product/australian-bush-fire-victim-fundraiser-tournament-jan-26/

Australian Bush Fire Victim Fundraiser and Tournament Jan. 26, 2020

Connie BarnesAustralian Bush Fire Victim Fundraiser and Tournament – Jan. 26, 2020
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Two Junior Silver Summer Tournaments! Sign up now!

AUSSIENICKSQUASH Chevy Chase Summer Silver Junior Tournament, July 28. Sign up at US Squash here: https://modules.ussquash.com/ssm/pages/tournaments/information.asp?tournament_id=9569

AUSSIENICKSQUASH Charlotte Summer Silver Junior Tournament, Aug 4. Sing up at US Squash here: https://modules.ussquash.com/ssm/pages/tournaments/information.asp?tournament_id=9606

BarnesTwo Junior Silver Summer Tournaments! Sign up now!
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